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autonomous urban disturbers
stainless steel spoon, solar panel, motor

also take a look to the Párasito 2010 at Santa Cruz de Tenerife


Proposal for the competition

The urban parasites are some low-tech machines, that make an ongoing protest without reveiling the topic of their complaint. During the day they are protesting meanwhile they are sleeping in the night. Different to human demonstrators, these little robots don´t stop with their “cacerola” after some days and always remember injustice.
I invented this machine for a competition in Madrid with the proposal to build one hundred to install them in the bank and business district of the spanish capital as a form of general –individually associated – protest. It was not really a surprise for me, that the proposal was not selected... Later I installed my prototype in Weimar where he protested on a forgotten pole.

Spanish text below

Proposal for the competition

installation view, Weimar


installation view, Weimar

Parasitos urbanos, first test, 2005

Parásitos Urbanos , Installation in Weimar/Germany, 2005

Parasitos urbanos
El parasito sonoro es una simple máquina autónoma que protesta durante todo el día. Consta de una cucharita con un motor y un panel solar. La luz del día se refleja sobre el panel solar poniendo en marcha el motor, el cual mueve la cucharita. Todas las unidades están montadas en mobiliario urbano existente y la cucharita provoca ruido entonces sobre estos palos metálicos u otro mobiliario oficial cuando hay suficientemente luz solar.Se produce una cacerolada automatizada, muy sutil, casi imperceptible en el ruido diario callejero.
Aunque la principal motivación de su crítica no es explícita, podemos imaginarnos que cada paseante asocia la denuncia mecánica con ideas distintas.