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Chino Mine , 2023
Location: Santa Rita, New Mexiko, USA Extraction: Copper

Info about the mine: here Satellite Image: here

Cicatrix is a series of drawings generated from topographic data of open pit mines from all around the world. The voracious appetite for resources has resulted in scars of enormous dimensions in an otherwise mostly untouched landscape. A terrain analysis using satellite data was combined with a flow path algorithm based on elevation data. The result is a delicate drawing that contrasts with the brute extraction methods and relates the seduction of limitless consumption with the destruction of the environment.

Nanfen Mine, 2023
Location: Benxi, Liaoning, China Extraction: Iron

Info about the mine: here Satellite Image: here

La Escondida, 2023
Location: Atacama Desert, Antofagasta Region, Chile Extraction: Copper

Info about the mine: here Satellite Image: here

Mir Mine, 2023
Location: Mirny, Sakha Republic, Siberia, Russia Extraction: Diamonds

Info about the mine: here Satellite Image: here

Betze Post, 2023
Location: Eureka County, Nevada, USA Extraction: Gold

Info about the mine: here Satellite Image: here

Corta Atalaya, 2023
Location: Huelva, Andalusia, Spain Extraction: Copper

Info about the mine: here Satellite Image: here

Diavik Diamond Mine, 2023
Location: North Slave Region, Northwest Territories, Canada Extraction: Diamonds

Info about the mine: here Satellite Image: here

Grasberg Mine, 2023
Location: Mimika Regency, Central Papua, Indonesia Extraction: Copper, Silver, Gold

Info about the mine: here Satellite Image: here

Udachnaya Pipe, 2023
Location: Daldyn-Alakit kimberlite field, Sakha Republic, Russia Extraction: Diamonds

Info about the mine: here Satellite Image: here

Toque Pala, 2023
Location: Provincia de Jorge Basadre, Departamento de Tacna, Peru Extraction: Copper

Info about the mine: here Satellite Image: here

Rössing Mine, 2023
Location: Namib Desert, Erongo, Namibia Extraction: Uranium

Info about the mine: here Satellite Image: here

Bingham Canyon Mine, 2023
Location: Salt Lake County, Utah, USA Extraction: Copper

Info about the mine: here Satellite Image: here

Muruntau, 2023
Location: Kyzylkum Desert, Navoiy Region, Uzbekistan Extraction: Gold

Info about the mine: here Satellite Image: here

Big Hole, 2023
Location: Kimberley, Northern Cape, South Africa Extraction: Diamonds

Info about the mine: here Satellite Image: here

Chuquicamata, 2023
Location: Antofagasta Region, Chile Extraction: Copper

Info about the mine: here Satellite Image: here


Detail of Corta Atalaya

Detail of Diavik Diamond Mine

Detail of Rössing Mine

Detail of Grasberg Mine